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If you love art, if you believe it is mankind's road to the Absolute, if you are touched by the thought of how much joy and pain walks beside it, of how spirituality finds wings in it, elevating mankind to a higher plane, you resemble us, and can help us push against the wall of apathy which suffocates our heritage by allowing many to avoid any feeling of responsibility. Innumerable are the ways to destroy our artistic and historic heritage: inaction is the first. How to help restore the ancient Oratory of the Disciplinanti in Moneglia: Any offer, large or small, is important. You can:
Donations can be transferred to the bank account c/c 56101/80 of the Banca Carige of Moneglia, to the name “Associazione Musicale Felice Romani”, which promotes the restoration project. IBAN code: IT23 R061 7532 0600 0000 5610 180 Any donation must include the specification “Pro Oratorio Disciplinanti Moneglia” Address: Associazione Musicale Felice Romani , L.Longhi 32; I – 16030 Moneglia GE (ITALY). Free donations can be deducted from taxes as per Art. 14 of the Italian Legislative Decree 14-3-2005 n° 35 Annual membership: Three-year membership: individual € 35,00 € 100,00 couple € 60,00 € 170,00 family with children € 65,00 € 185,00 < 18 years old 18 to 25 years old € 20,00 € 55,00 school class + teacher € 40,00 € 112,00 supporting member €100,00 € 285,00 Bonuses By helping the Association restore the Oratory, you will also gain the following advantages: 30% discount on tickets to the "Ligurian treasures. “Moneglia Classica”, 2008 classical music concert season, ( Free guided tours to the Oratory of the Disciplinanti, care of the Association. |